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Phu (Winson) Lam

Phu (Winson) Lam

Winson Lam received the BSc degree in Biomedical Science in 2011, and an MSc degree in Nanotechnology in 2012 at University College London (UCL). In the pursuit of his PhD degree, he joined the MBE group of the photonics division at the Electronic and Electrical Engineering department at UCL. His research interests consist of investigating the properties of quantum dot materials for III-V photonic components, such as solar cells and photodetectors. He has published his research results on quantum dot solar cells in several international journals. Winson was on secondment through the BITE industry Exchange Award Scheme at CIP Technologies, an organisation specialising in photonic hybrid integration which was recently acquired by the telecommunications giant, Huawei. Upon completion of his secondment, Winson returned to UCL to finish his PhD and is currently exploring opportunities to continue this research work.



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