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Course Feedback - May 2014

The first round of the BITE training programme ran in May 2014 at Oakwood House in Maidstone. The course was highly interactive with business planning in teams and ‘Dragon’s Den’ style pitches. The course was attended by both PhD and postdoctoral researchers and received excellent feedback.

The timetable and content for this course is outlined below.

Agenda for BITE Residential Course

Day 1

  • Arrival at the venue and team meeting.
  • Course sessions:
    • Introduction to Business.
    • Business Model Canvas.
    • Business Strategy.
    • Sales and Marketing.
    • Business by Numbers.
  • Project definition and scoping.
  • Informal networking.

Day 2

  • Course sessions:
    • Product Development and Innovation.
    • Intellectual Property.
    • Finance and Funding.
    • Business Cases.
  • Visiting Speaker.
  • Project activity.
  • Informal networking.

Day 3

  •  Project business case preparation.
  • Project presentations and feedback.
  • Social event and networking.